A Roaring Start to 2024: Wishing You a Spectacular New Year!

Greetings from the heart of the thundering Victoria Falls, where the spray of the Zambezi paints rainbows across the sky and the roar of the falls echoes through the vibrant wilderness! As the echoes of 2023 fade and the sun rises on a brand new year, the team at DK Tours & Safaris wants to […]

Going Around Zimbabwe – Our Favourite Trip of the Year!

After another year of traversing the vibrant tapestry of Southern Africa, we stand awestruck before the undeniable magic of Zimbabwe –our most captivating journey yet. From Botswana’s sun-kissed savannas to Namibia’s windswept dunes, we’ve chased unforgettable experiences across this magnificent continent. Yet, Zimbabwe, with its untamed wilderness, ancient whispers, and infectious smiles, has woven itself […]

Season’s Greetings from DK Tours and Safaris: Spreading Joy Beyond Boundaries

As the festive season approaches, the team at DK Tours and Safaris extends warm greetings and heartfelt wishes for a joyous holiday season. It’s that wonderful time of the year when our thoughts turn to the spirit of giving, gratitude and creating lasting memories with loved ones. At DK Tours and Safaris, we believe in […]

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Banded Mangooses

Banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) are small, furry animals native to the Sahel to Southern Africa. They are known for their distinctive dark stripes across their backs and their social behavior. But there is more to these creatures than meets the eye. Here are five things you didn’t know about banded mongooses: They Are Snake Killers […]

From Our Travel Family to Yours: Happy Thanksgiving!

As the leaves turn colour and the aroma of pumpkin pie fillsthe air, we at DK Tours & Safaris take this opportunity to express ourheartfelt gratitude to our valued and prospective clients. Thanksgiving is a time for reflection, for cherishing themoments we share with loved ones, and for expressing our appreciation for all wehave been […]

Happy Heritage Day to our South African Guests & Partners!

We at DK Tours and safaris in Victoria Falls are delighted to celebrate with you this special day that honours the rich and diverse cultural heritage of South Africa. Heritage Day is a public holiday that falls on24 September every year. It is a day to remember and appreciate the various cultures, traditions, beliefs, and […]

Vultures: The Unsung Heroes of Nature

When you think of birds, what comes to your mind? Maybe you think of colourful parrots, cute penguins, or majestic eagles. But what about vultures? Do you think of them as ugly, scary, or gross? If you do, you are not alone. Many people have a negative impression of vultures, and they often ignore or […]

5 Things You Should Know About the Meerkats of the Makgadikgadi Pans

Meerkats are one of the most adorable and fascinating animals in the world. They are small, furry, and social mongooses that live in large groups called mobs or gangs. They are found in the arid regions of southern Africa, especially in the Kalahari Desert and the Makgadikgadi Pans. Here are five things you should know […]

Meet the Super Lions of the Okavango Delta!

The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the most amazing places on Earth, where you can witness the beauty and diversity of nature. It is also the home of some of the most incredible lions in the world, who have adapted to their unique environment in remarkable ways. Here are 5 things you should […]

Free Wifi Voucher for Your Trip to Victoria Falls!

We have some exciting news to share with you. We have partnered with Telone Zimbabwe, the leading telecommunications company in the country, to offer you a special service that will make your trip to Victoria Falls even more enjoyable and convenient. From now on, when you book a tour with us and land at the […]