Banded mongooses (Mungos mungo) are small, furry animals native to the Sahel to Southern Africa. They are known for their distinctive dark stripes across their backs and their social behavior. But there is more to these creatures than meets the eye. Here are five things you didn’t know about banded mongooses:

They Are Snake Killers

Photo Cred: David Bygott

Banded mongooses are fearless when it comes to facing venomous snakes. They can strike quickly and grab the snake behind the head, avoiding the fangs. They also seem to have some immunity to snake venom, which helps them survive bites. Banded mongooses are one of the few animals that can kill and eat cobras, mambas, and puff adders.

They live in large packs with complex social structures.

Photo Cred: Dennis Zaebst

Banded mongooses are very sociable and live in groups of up to 50 individuals. They have a matriarchal system, where females are dominant and lead the pack. They also have a cooperative breeding system, where all females in the pack give birth at the same time and share the care of the pups. Banded mongooses are loyal to their pack members and will help each other in times of danger, grooming, and food sharing. 

They have a unique way of communicating with their family members.

Banded mongooses use scent marks to identify their relatives and avoid inbreeding. They have special glands on their chests and anuses that produce a distinctive odor. They rub their chests on rocks, trees, and each other to leave their scent marks. They also sniff each other’s anuses to recognize their kin. However, this system can be disrupted by a deadly disease called tuberculosis, which alters the scent of infected mongooses and makes them unrecognizable to their family.

They are adaptable.

They are adaptable to different habitats and climates. Banded mongooses can be found in a wide range of habitats, from savannas and grasslands to forests and wetlands. They are not picky about their dens and will use termite mounds, hollow trees, rock crevices, and even human-made structures. They are also able to cope with different temperatures and rainfall patterns, as they can regulate their body heat and water loss. Banded mongooses are widespread throughout sub-Saharan Africa, from Senegal to South Africa.

They are fun and playful animals.

Banded mongooses are not all about survival and work. They also know how to have fun and enjoy themselves. They are often seen playing with each other, chasing, wrestling, and biting. They also play with objects, such as sticks, stones, and feathers. They even play with other animals, such as elephants, baboons, and antelopes. Banded mongooses are curious and intelligent animals that can learn new skills and behaviors.

Banded mongooses are fascinating animals that deserve our attention and respect. They are not only cute and cuddly, but also brave and smart. They have a rich and complex culture that is shaped by their environment and their interactions. They are a great example of how nature can create amazing and diverse creatures.

If you are fascinated by banded mongooses and want to get a chance to see these and other animals in their natural habitat, take a look at the packages and tours we offer here

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