When you think of birds, what comes to your mind? Maybe you think of colourful parrots, cute penguins, or majestic eagles. But what about vultures? Do you think of them as ugly, scary, or gross? If you do, you are not alone. Many people have a negative impression of vultures, and they often ignore or avoid them. But vultures are actually very awesome and important birds that deserve our attention and admiration.

Vultures fascinating social and smart birds that live and communicate in groups. These amazing birds eat dead animals and keep the environment clean and healthy. They have different shapes, colours, habits and many special features that help them do their job, such as their extraordinary eyesight. They are also mysterious birds that have been part of many cultures and religions.

In this article we will tell you why vultures are amazing and why you should appreciate them a lot more.

Vultures keep the environment clean and healthy.

Photo cred: Bernd Dittrich

Vultures eat up to 70 percent of all the carrion in their ecosystem. This prevents the spread of diseases from rotting carcasses, such as anthrax, rabies, and botulism. These diseases can affect other animals and humans, so vultures are actually saving lives by cleaning up the mess.

They amazing adaptations for their lifestyle.

These birds have some incredible features that help them survive and thrive as scavengers. For example, they have bald heads and necks to avoid getting dirty and infected when they stick their heads inside carcasses. They have strong stomach acids that can digest bones, horns, hooves, and even some poisons. They have special bacteria in their guts that protect them from harmful pathogens in their food. They have long wings that allow them to soar on air currents for hours without flapping. They have excellent eyesight that can spot a carcass from several kilometres away. They have a good sense of smell that can detect a carcass even under the ground or under water.

Vultures are social and intelligent birds.

Photo cred: Dmitrii Zhodzishskii

Contrary to what you may think vultures are not solitary or stupid birds. They often live and feed in groups, sometimes with hundreds or thousands of individuals. They communicate with each other using sounds, gestures, and body language. They also cooperate with each other to find food and defend themselves from predators or competitors. Vultures also have a good memory and can learn from their experiences. They can recognize familiar places, people, and other animals. They can also solve problems and use tools to get food or water.

They are diverse and beautiful birds.

Vultures may not be as colourful or cute as some other birds, but they are still diverse and beautiful in their own way. Each species of vulture has its own distinctive appearance, behaviour, and habitat preference. For example, the white-backed vulture is one of the most common and abundant vultures. It has a dark brown body with a white patch on its back and a grey face. It can feed on almost any kind of carrion, from small rodents to large elephants. The lappet-faced vulture is one of the largest and most powerful vultures. It has a black body with a pink ruff around its neck and a bare, wrinkled face. It can tear open tough skins and access parts of the carcass that other vultures can’t.

Vultures are ancient and mysterious birds.

Vultures are some of the oldest and most mysterious birds on the planet. They have been around for millions of years, evolving from ancient raptors that lived alongside dinosaurs. They have also been part of many cultures and religions, sometimes revered, sometimes feared, but always respected.

For example, in ancient Egypt, vultures were symbols of motherhood and protection. The goddess Nekhbet was depicted as a vulture or a woman with a vulture head. She was the patron of Upper Egypt and the protector of the pharaohs. In some African cultures, vultures are considered sacred and wise animals. They are believed to have supernatural powers and to be able to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

Vultures are fun and fascinating birds.

They are also not boring or dull birds. They have many fun and fascinating behaviours that make them interesting to watch and learn about. For example, vultures can vomit on their enemies or themselves as a defence mechanism. This can scare away predators or cool them down in hot weather. They can sunbathe by spreading their wings and exposing their bodies to the sun. This helps them dry their feathers, warm up their muscles, and kill parasites. Vultures can play by chasing each other, wrestling, or tossing objects in the air. This helps them practice theirs kills, bond with each other, and have fun.

They need our help and appreciation.

Vultures are awesome birds, but they are also in trouble. Many species of vultures are endangered or critically endangered due to human activities that threaten their survival. Some of these threats include poaching. Poachers kill vultures intentionally or unintentionally by poisoning carcasses or using snares or traps. They do this to hide their illegal hunting activities or to use vulture parts for trade or medicine.

Humans also destroy or degrade vulture habitats by clearing land for agriculture, mining, logging, or development. This reduces the availability of food and nesting sites for vultures. Another threat are power lines that electrocute or collide with vultures during flight. This causes injuries or deaths for many vultures. Climate change has also affected vulture populations by altering weather patterns, food availability, disease outbreaks, and migration routes.

Photo Cred: Antony Trivet

Vultures need our help and appreciation to survive and thrive in Africa. We can do this by supporting conservation projects that protect vultures and their habitats, such as the Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust and the Vulture Culture Experience at the Victoria Falls Safari Lodge. We can also educate ourselves and others about the importance of vultures and the threats they face, such as by reading articles like this one or visiting websites like VulPro.

A safari in Africa is a great opportunity to observe vultures in their natural environment. You can encounter these birds of prey in various locations, such as Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls, Hwange National Park or Mana Pools, Botswana’s Chobe National Park, South Africa’s Kruger National Park, or Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve.

If you want to see vultures in their natural habitat, DK Tours and Safaris can help organise a memorable safari trip for you. You can choose from different destinations, activities, accommodations, and durations. We can also customize your safari itinerary according to your interests and needs. If you are lucky, you can see vultures in the wild on your safari. You will be amazed by their awesome features and behaviours. You will also learn more about their importance and threats. You will have a memorable and educational experience that you will never forget!

Check out some of our Safari packages here…




7-Day Mana Pools Tented Safari



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